PURPOSE: On June 6th for the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander.S. Pushkin, the United Nations celebrates the Russian Language Day/День русского языка. One of the goals of this program is to maintain equality in all six official languages. The purpose of the UN Languages ​​Days is to raise awareness of the history, culture and development of each of the six official UN languages ​​among the staff of the Organization.

FORUM: "Celebrate the beauty of the Russian Language." Russian Language Day 2023. Russian is one of the world (global) languages. This status was given to the language in the 20th century. The spread of the Russian language was largely a consequence of the activities of the Russian Empire, then the USSR and modern Russia. The status of the Russian language was enshrined in the United Nations, where Russian is one of the six official languages. To express your interest for the celebration of the Russian Language Day and to promote the langue. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #RussianlanguageDay, #RussianLanguage, #6june#interpretation, #Деньрусскогоязыка, #Русскийязык, #6июня, #Многоязычие.

EVENTS: On June 6th to mark the Russian Language Day 2023, the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the Permanent Mission of Russia to the United Nations, the UN DGACM, the Permanent Delegation of Russia to the UNESCO, the United Nations Information Centre, the United Nations Multimedia and all the other United Nations entities will hold a series of virtual events in New York, Geneva and Vienna, including a poetry reading, a literature recital, theatrical performances and panel discussions about the Russian language. Watch the Russian Language Day 2023 at the United Nations.

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PODCASTS: Русский язык в Организации Объединенных Наций. Listen to the audio-podcasts!

CAMPAIGN MATERIALS: Promoting Russian Culture, Langues and Traditions. Get the campaign materials!




It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as being widely used throughout the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia. With its magnificent literature, richly expressive language and fascinating history, Russia appeals to a wide variety of interests.

The decision to hold language days was taken by the Department of Public Information (now the Department of Global Communications) on the eve of International Mother Language Day, celebrated annually on February 21 at the initiative of UNESCO.

The purpose of the UN's language days is to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity, as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization.

  • Join the Interperters; Translators and teachers to celebrate the Russian Language.

  • Learn how to write and speak the language(s) fluently

  • Study the literature of a language by looking at authors or genres in depth, or focus on the medieval, the eighteenth century, or the modern era.

  • Choose from a broad range of options including literature, intellectual history, linguistics, film studies and advanced translation.

  • Reward study which include, for example, the novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Pushkin's poetry, or the latest writing from contemporary Russia; the history of the Russian language and its development up to the present day; texts from the Russia of Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great or Stalin, and related topics in film, the visual arts and music.


